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Taylor Polynomial: Rational Complex Function

We are going to study the complex function

This complex function helps us to understand the behavior of the Taylor series of a real function that has no real singularity. This real function coincides with the complex function in the real axis:

The real function has no singularities but the complex one has two singularities, in z = i and in z = -i.

Complex Taylor polynomials: Rational function with two complex singularities  | matematicasVisuales

If we consider complex power series centered at some point, there exists a circle centered at this point such that the series converges everywhere inside the circle and diverges everywhere outside the circle. We are going to see that the radius of convergence is the distance from the center to the nearest singularity.

It is a very important fact that if this series converges at a point, then its value can be approximated by a partail sum (polynomial), and by choosing a sufficiently large degree we can make the approximation as accurate as we wish. (Tristan Needham)

For example, this is a representation of the Taylor's polynomial of degree 6:

Complex Taylor polynomials:  Rational function with two complex singularities. Taylor's polynomial of degree 6  | matematicasVisuales

The Remainder is the difference between the function and the polynomial. A clear color, almost white, indicates a small module. As we increases the degree of the polynomial the white area approximates the circle of convergence.

This is a representation of the remainder when we consider the Taylor's polynomial of degree 6. The approximation is very accurate near the center:

Complex Taylor polynomials:  Rational function with two complex singularities. Remainder from polynomial of degree 6 | matematicasVisuales

The approximation is better when we consider the polynomial of degree 50:

Complex Taylor polynomials:  Rational function with two complex singularities. Taylor's polynomial of degree 50 | matematicasVisuales
Complex Taylor polynomials:  Rational function with two complex singularities. Remainder from polynomial of degree 50 | matematicasVisuales

If we restric our vision to the circle of convergence we can see how these polynomials approximate the function inside the circle of convergence.

This is a representation of the Taylor's polynomial of degree 50 only inside the circle of convergence:

Complex Taylor polynomials: Rational function with two complex singularities. Taylor's polynomial of degree 50 restricted inside the circle of convergence | matematicasVisuales

And this is a representation of the function only inside the same circle. We can see that the image below is very similar to this.

Complex Taylor polynomials: Rational function with two complex singularities. Function restricted inside the circle of convergence | matematicasVisuales

Another example, when the Taylor's polynomial has only degree 15:

Complex Taylor polynomials: Rational function with two complex singularities. Taylor's polynomial of degree 15 | matematicasVisuales

The same polynomial but only inside the circle of convergence:

Complex Taylor polynomials: Rational function with two complex singularities. Taylor's polynomial of degree 15 restricted inside the circle of convergence | matematicasVisuales

And the function restricted to the same circle:

Complex Taylor polynomials: Rational function with two complex singularities. Function restricted inside the circle of convergence | matematicasVisuales

Inside the circle of convergence the function and the approximation are similar but outside they are very different.


Tristan Needham - Visual Complex Analysis. (pags. 64-77) - Oxford University Press


Complex Polynomial Functions(1): Powers with natural exponent
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Complex Polynomial Functions(2): Polynomial of degree 2
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Complex Polynomial Functions(3): Polynomial of degree 3
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Complex Polynomial Functions(4): Polynomial of degree n
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Complex Polynomial Functions(5): Polynomial of degree n (variant)
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