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Central and Inscribed Angle in a Circle: Case I
CASE 1. Every inscribed angle that subtends a diameter is a right angle. This is a particular case of the Central Angle Theorem because the central angle is now 180º. ![]() We want to probe that The base of these results is "pons asinorum", that is to say, that the angles of the base of an isosceles triangle are equal. ![]() Adding the angles of the triangle ABC we can write: Dividing by two: This ends the demostration of Case I. The next case is when one of the chords that forms the inscribed angle is a diameter. You can see an interactive demostration of Central and inscribed angles in a circle |Case II.
Now we can probe a particular case of Proposition III.32 (about the angle between a tangent and a secant): ![]() REFERENCES
Euclides, The Elements
Interactive 'Mostation' of the property of central and inscribed angles in a circle. The general case is proved.
Using a ruler and a compass we can draw fifteen degrees angles. These are basic examples of the central and inscribed in a circle angles property.
You can draw a regular pentagon given one of its sides constructing the golden ratio with ruler and compass.
In his book 'Underweysung der Messung' Durer draw a non-regular pentagon with ruler and a fixed compass. It is a simple construction and a very good approximation of a regular pentagon.