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How to build polyhedra with cardboard (plane nets)

Cardoboard is a wonderful material to build polyhedra. One approach is to draw a plane net of a polyhedron.

Some tricks when we use cardboard:

Cube and tetrahedron

Plane nets of a tetrahedron and a cube are very easy to draw.

Building polyhedra| tetraedro y cubo | matematicasVisuales

This construction was drawn by Kepler. We can use it to calculate the volume of a tetrahedron:

Building polyhedra| tetraedro en cubo según Kepler | matematicasVisuales

The volume of the tetrahedron
The volume of a tetrahedron is one third of the prism that contains it.

How to build a tetrahedron like TetraPack.

Hexagonal section of a cube

You can cut a cube by half and get a regular hexagon:

Building polyhedra| medio cubo, sección hexagonal de un cubo | matematicasVisuales
Hexagonal section of a cube
We can cut in half a cube by a plane and get a section that is a regular hexagon. Using eight of this pieces we can made a truncated octahedron.
Resources, How to build polyhedra with cardboard (Plane Nets): Download, print, cut and build medio cubo, sección hexagonal de un cubo | matematicasVisuales
Template of a half cube to dowload, print, cut and fold
A truncated octahedron made by eight half cubes
Using eight half cubes we can make a truncated octahedron. The cube tesselate the space an so do the truncated octahedron. We can calculate the volume of a truncated octahedron.
The truncated octahedron is a space-filling polyhedron
These polyhedra pack together to fill space, forming a 3 dimensional space tessellation or tilling.
Plane net of a dodecahedron

Very nice construction.

Durer was the first to publish a plane net of a dodecahedron:

Building polyhedra| Desarrollo del dodecaedro según Durero  | matematicasVisuales

Kepler was very interested in the dodecahedron:

Building polyhedra| Dodecaedo según Kepler | matematicasVisuales
Puzzle: A tetrahedron with two pieces
Resources, How to build polyhedra with cardboard (Plane Nets): Download, print, cut and build | matematicasVisuales
Building polyhedra| Rompecabezas tetraedro | matematicasVisuales

With these two pieces you can build a tetrahedron.

These pieces are made of two tetrahedron and half octahedron. Can you see them?


Magnus Wenninger - 'Polyhedron Models', Cambridge University Press.
Hugo Steinhaus - Mathematical Snapshots - Oxford University Press - Third Edition (p. 197)
Peter R. Cromwell - 'Polyhedra', Cambridge University Press, 1999.
H.Martin Cundy and A.P. Rollet, 'Mathematical Models', Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1961 (p. 87).
W.W. Rouse Ball and H.S.M. Coxeter - 'Matematical Recreations & Essays', The MacMillan Company, 1947.


Resources: Building polyhedra gluing faces
Using cardboard you can build beautiful polyhedra cutting polygons and glue them toghether. This is a very simple and effective technique. You can download several templates. Then print, cut and glue: very easy!
Resources: Building polyhedra gluing discs
Simple technique to build polyhedra gluing discs made of cardboard or paper.
Resources: Acona Biconbi, designed by Bruno Munari
Italian designer Bruno Munari conceived 'Acona Biconbi' as a work of sculpture. It is also a beautiful game to play with colors and shapes.
Resources: The golden rectangle and the icosahedron
With three golden rectangles you can build an icosahedron.
Resources: Modular Origami
Modular Origami is a nice technique to build polyhedra.
Resources: Tensegrity
Examples of polyhedra built using tensegrity.
Resources: Building polyhedra using tubes
Examples of polyhedra built using tubes.
Resources: Building polyhedra using Zome
Examples of polyhedra built using Zome.
Building polyhedra. Basic techniques: Taller de Talento Matemático de Zaragoza (Spanish)
Material for a session about polyhedra (Zaragoza, 13th Abril 2012).
Construcción de poliedros. Cuboctaedro y dodecaedro rómbico: Taller de Talento Matemático de Zaragoza 2014 (Spanish)
Material for a session about polyhedra (Zaragoza, 9th May 2014). Simple techniques to build polyhedra like the tetrahedron, octahedron, the cuboctahedron and the rhombic dodecahedron. We can build a box that is a rhombic dodecahedron.
Cube, octahedron, tetrahedron and other polyhedra: Taller de Talento Matemático Zaragoza,Spain, 2014-2015 (Spanish)
Material for a session about polyhedra (Zaragoza, 7th November 2014). We study the octahedron and the tetrahedron and their volumes. The truncated octahedron helps us to this task. We build a cubic box with cardboard and an origami tetrahedron.
Duality: cube and octahedron. Taller de Talento Matemático de Zaragoza, Spain. 2015-2016 XII edition (Spanish)
Material for a session about polyhedra (Zaragoza, 23rd Octuber 2015) . Building a cube with cardboard and an origami octahedron.
The Cuboctahedron and the truncated octahedron. Taller de Talento Matemático de Zaragoza, Spain. 2016-2017 XIII edition (Spanish)
Material for a session about polyhedra (Zaragoza, 21st October 2016). Instructions to build several geometric bodies.
Regular dodecahedron
Some properties of this platonic solid and how it is related to the golden ratio. Constructing dodecahedra using different techniques.
Plane developments of geometric bodies: Dodecahedron
The first drawing of a plane net of a regular dodecahedron was published by Dürer in his book 'Underweysung der Messung' ('Four Books of Measurement'), published in 1525 .
Plane developments of geometric bodies: Octahedron
The first drawing of a plane net of a regular octahedron was published by Dürer in his book 'Underweysung der Messung' ('Four Books of Measurement'), published in 1525 .
Plane developments of geometric bodies: Tetrahedron
The first drawing of a plane net of a regular tetrahedron was published by Dürer in his book 'Underweysung der Messung' ('Four Books of Measurement'), published in 1525 .
The volume of a cuboctahedron
A cuboctahedron is an Archimedean solid. It can be seen as made by cutting off the corners of a cube.
Truncated tetrahedron
The truncated tetrahedron is an Archimedean solid made by 4 triangles and 4 hexagons.
Plane developments of geometric bodies (3): Cylinders
We study different cylinders and we can see how they develop into a plane. Then we explain how to calculate the lateral surface area.
Plane developments of geometric bodies (7): Cone and conical frustrum
Plane developments of cones and conical frustum. How to calculate the lateral surface area.
Plane developments of geometric bodies: Dodecahedron
The first drawing of a plane net of a regular dodecahedron was published by Dürer in his book 'Underweysung der Messung' ('Four Books of Measurement'), published in 1525 .